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Forays into Crochet

I have a hook, and I know how to use it.

Now I have pictures!  Here is my nephew's vest, completed.  Sorry for the wash out, the flash on my Powershot is obnoxious.  The pattern is actually for a hoodie, but I finished a few rows of it and finished a skein and thought, it looks darn cute this way!  So I left it.  I found the perfect wooden buttons for it that match the tan shade in the variegation.  It was my first time sewing buttons onto any kind of crocheted garment!  I was proud of myself.

This vest is actually quite versatile, as demonstrated by my sister (who is 21, I could not believe she actually got it onto her body):

and my cat (he tried it on before I washed it.  Notice the peeved expression.):

Next up is a picture of my commission!  Overall, I'm pleased.  I omitted the ruffles along the bottom of the jacket because I ran out of yarn and didn't want to charge my friend for a 3rd skein of yarn of which only a few yards had been used.  The picture is blurry, my apologies.  If I used the flash, the purple looked blue/indigo when it's really closer to that lovely shade, just a tad darker.

I'm hoping the sleeves aren't too ridiculously long.  I had to play with the sizing because the pattern only went up to 12 mos!  Here is a close up of the nifty buttons:

In all probability it will be shipped tomorrow.  I'm glad it's done and I hope the people for which it's intended will like it!  Maybe I'll even get a pic of it being modeled!  That'd be nifty XD

0 chains: