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Forays into Crochet

I have a hook, and I know how to use it.

"I swore I'd never have multiple WIPs..."

and here I am, with multiple WIPs.  One is kind of ongoing - I am using up aaaaaaaall of my extraneous acrylic to make hats to donate to local shelters right around Christmas.  To date I've only used one pattern...I honestly just haven't taken the time to peruse others.  Perhaps that is something I will do over the next few days.

I just finished the infinity scarf to go with the fingerless gloves for my friend.  Picture forthcoming.

I'm going to make another pair (different pattern though) to go in a surprise box I'm sending to a girl.

I'm still on the hunt for the perfect lace yarn, and I changed my pattern idea yet again...who knew choosing a shawl pattern and yarn could be so difficult!?  I just want it to be something I'd like to receive if I were her, so I'm agonizing over it.  The pink part is especially hard for me...=P

And I'm working on a nifty little thing for me to wear for my husband's birthday.  Sorry if that was TMI.  *lol*

Whooooosh I'm off to hook!

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