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Forays into Crochet

I have a hook, and I know how to use it.

I'm in a worldwide shawl swap on Ravelry.  I know I've mentioned it here before.  Well, it got started and I totally thought I had everything picked out.  I got it started and it wasn' didn't feel right, working up.  I don't know how else to describe it.  So, I scrapped that one (thank goodness I wasn't very far into it) and have been hunting and hunting and HUNTING for a good pattern/yarn combo. 

Finally found a good yarn...

Okay.  Personally, I abhor pink.  ABHOR.  But it is my downstream's favorite color.  And this shade isn't too obnoxious.  Plus the yarn is maddeningly soft and squooshy.  In short, while I don't love the color, I love love love the base.

Now to hunt down a pattern.  There is a disgusting shortage of CROCHETED lace shawls...and a disgusting overage of knitted ones!!  Don't get me wrong, they're absolutely lovely, but I feel like us crocheters have been left out in the cold when it comes to lace shawls.  Maybe...maybe I'll screw my courage to the sticking post and try to design one. 
Now I have pictures!  Here is my nephew's vest, completed.  Sorry for the wash out, the flash on my Powershot is obnoxious.  The pattern is actually for a hoodie, but I finished a few rows of it and finished a skein and thought, it looks darn cute this way!  So I left it.  I found the perfect wooden buttons for it that match the tan shade in the variegation.  It was my first time sewing buttons onto any kind of crocheted garment!  I was proud of myself.

This vest is actually quite versatile, as demonstrated by my sister (who is 21, I could not believe she actually got it onto her body):

and my cat (he tried it on before I washed it.  Notice the peeved expression.):

Next up is a picture of my commission!  Overall, I'm pleased.  I omitted the ruffles along the bottom of the jacket because I ran out of yarn and didn't want to charge my friend for a 3rd skein of yarn of which only a few yards had been used.  The picture is blurry, my apologies.  If I used the flash, the purple looked blue/indigo when it's really closer to that lovely shade, just a tad darker.

I'm hoping the sleeves aren't too ridiculously long.  I had to play with the sizing because the pattern only went up to 12 mos!  Here is a close up of the nifty buttons:

In all probability it will be shipped tomorrow.  I'm glad it's done and I hope the people for which it's intended will like it!  Maybe I'll even get a pic of it being modeled!  That'd be nifty XD
"I swore I'd never have multiple WIPs..."

and here I am, with multiple WIPs.  One is kind of ongoing - I am using up aaaaaaaall of my extraneous acrylic to make hats to donate to local shelters right around Christmas.  To date I've only used one pattern...I honestly just haven't taken the time to peruse others.  Perhaps that is something I will do over the next few days.

I just finished the infinity scarf to go with the fingerless gloves for my friend.  Picture forthcoming.

I'm going to make another pair (different pattern though) to go in a surprise box I'm sending to a girl.

I'm still on the hunt for the perfect lace yarn, and I changed my pattern idea yet again...who knew choosing a shawl pattern and yarn could be so difficult!?  I just want it to be something I'd like to receive if I were her, so I'm agonizing over it.  The pink part is especially hard for me...=P

And I'm working on a nifty little thing for me to wear for my husband's birthday.  Sorry if that was TMI.  *lol*

Whooooosh I'm off to hook!