Over this past week I got a tweet (do you tweet? Follow me here!) from a friend of mine, asking me how long it took me to crochet a baby sweater. Since I recently made one for my niece's 1st birthday I used that to gauge the time and told her that if I had uninterrupted time in which to work on it it would probably only take me a day or two. So she commissioned me to make a little cardi for her niece. I was surprised and very flattered to say the least. I pattern browsed on Ravelry (I spend too much time there!!) and sent her pictures of some super cute cardis and from there she narrowed it down to like 3 and then we agreed together on the pattern. You can see pictures of it here. She's requested it be in purple and black. I'm excited. I was able to get the yarn today @ Michaels; I grossly overestimated the yarn I would need to do my nephew's hoodie (which I ended up leaving the hood off of, it is actually much better that way for this particular kiddo) so I had like 4 skeins to return. I returned them and picked up yarn in the same brand but in the specified colors. The purple is a lovely, lovely deep shade. I'm really looking forward to whipping this up :)
My other bit of being flattered comes from discovering that a blogger that I quite admire has me listed in her "Other Authentic Bloggers". She has some really awesome stuff, and her new blog is something she's starting up as part of her dream to have a shop/store of authentic, hand-made items. Go check her out!
I should have taken a picture of my nephew's vest and brought my camera to work to put it up. It turned out so freakin adorable!! I know I put a picture up the other night but now that I have everything done except for the buttons (which I looked for today @ Michaels, without success. Didn't have time to visit Jo-Anns.) I just can't believe how stinking cute it is. His parents are both really into hunting/fishing/other outdoor sports and so I wanted it to look a bit camoflauge. The yarn was obliging. :) I would totally make that pattern again, perhaps I will and set it aside for my future babies.
I recently acquired 2 skeins of Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sport Solid in a really pretty dark purple. Not sure yet what I'm going to do with it but I'm on the hunt for the perfect pattern. I also got in the mail (today!) 2 skeins of JL Vinca in Colorway 10. It's a super nifty rainbow colorway. I am thinking a pair of armwarmers? The color gradient would lend itself well to such a project. I am even feeling brave enough to design them myself! I see them being long...like to a few inches above the elbow...delicious.
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So I don't know how well you can see the "glitter" from the picture, but that's Lion Brand Glitterspun in silver, and it finally came yesterday. I ordered 5 balls hoping that would be enough to make both the fingerless gloves and the infinity scarf and now that I've worked a few rows of the gloves I think I'll be fine. They are going to be bulkier than what the pattern calls for but I honestly couldn't find a better yarn that fit what my friend wanted. I'm using a G hook. I think I'll be fine.
These are a couple of pictures of Cheeto - he'd hopped up on the couch and, upon discovering that the box the Glitterspun had come in was empty, proceeded to cram himself into it. He's not a HUGE cat, but he is full-grown and he just barely fits. As you can see. He probably spent a good hour there, in the box, next to me while I started the gloves. It was too cute to not snap a couple of pictures.
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These are the markers I got from my swap partner on Ravelry. Aren't they fun? I especially like the two in the middle :)
So now that I've found the *perfect* shawl pattern, I just have to re-swatch to see if the yarn I originally bought will work for it. If not, I guess I'll have to find something else. In the mean time I've started stash-busting, and I may have mentioned this in my previous post, but I've completed 3 hats so far. I'm going to be at this for a while - I have plenty of WW to work with, as you can see by the picture of my stash below. The pattern I'm using works up in 1.5 - 2 hours and it's very rewarding to complete a project in such a short time span.

Good times. It's a good thing I love to crochet. XD
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Isn't that GORGEOUS!? Personally I'm not a huge fan of the color but the motifs are to die for. I have decided that I will be making this shawl instead of the previous one I posted a picture for. I got the yarn and I worked up a few motifs for the other one and it just wasn't jiving, you know? So I trawled the net again, looking for something that made me go "Wow!" and this was it. All the details about this fantastic shawl can be found here. I will have to swatch with the yarn I have and see if it's going to work. But man! I'm just drooling all over the place! I think after I finish making one for the swap I will have to make one for myself!
I've also started stash-busting...making hats (and a matching scarf if I have enough yarn) to donate to local shelters and humanitarian projects. I will also probably make up some little blankies to donate to the animal shelter so that the kitties will have something warm to snuggle in.