I know I've been promising pictures and I finally made myself snap some the other day.
Here are the photos of the baby blanket I am currently crocheting for my cousin, who is due to have a little girl. Details can be found here. It's pretty fun to make, actually, and the yarn really is dreamy. I've found my new favorite acrylic. Red Heart is too stiff and prickly, Caron Simply Soft is to slippery. I Love This Yarn is a happy medium - it's soft but not slick.

One of my aunt's cats, sleeping on my WIP. As usual. What is it about crochet that makes a cat want to sleep on it?
Close ups of the two color schemes. I <3>

Aaaaaand here is my first project completed without a pattern! Well, the band of shells across the bottom was from a stitch pattern book, and I considered doing the whole wrap in it, but then I thought I was going to run out of yarn and switched over to the mesh in an effort to do it with the remainder of the skein I had. I ended up having to buy another skein anyway, *lol*.
Close-up of the shell pattern. It's actually quite lovely.
Here I am, modeling the finished product! I like the length for sure. But if I were ever to make another one, I would make ties at both ends instead of just the one (honestly, I don't know what I was thinking that I didn't in the first place!), and I would probably try to do some gradual increases so that the edges would meet instead of opening so widely down the thigh. I won't be wearing it, but perhaps one of my sisters will want it, and if not, I might post it as my first item on my Etsy!
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