Some more pictures of kitties and yarn!
Gwydion, hunkered under the lid to my stash box...
Gwydion, hunkered under the lid to my stash box...

The actual stash! I'm going to do some stash-busting and make a couple (lots?) of sets of baby booties.

Okay...a close-up of my completed sweater! This one's a bit blurry...actually, I apologize for the lighting in all of them, I took them last night and my flash insisted on working.

The front...

I'm really a little sad that I'm not going to have a chance to really show it off before I move down to San Antonio - it's far too warm to take it down there!! It will be really nice come this fall though.
My hands feel a bit restless now - I didn't really have anything specific lined up after this because of my imminent move and it's kind of driving me nuts. I am planning to take my stash, and do a bunch of baby booties, because anything else might be a little daunting - anything that might get big enough to cover my lap and make me all sweaty bleah.
I -am- going to crochet a cover-up for my new swimsuit and I didn't have to buy any new yarn for that either. I'm debating though - do I want it to be more of an openwork tunic type thing, or just a tie-around-the-waist type thing? Decisions, decisions...
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