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Forays into Crochet

I have a hook, and I know how to use it.

Here is a baby blanket I recently completed for my cousin, who is having a baby boy later this year.

Gwydion fancies himself a model, I think.

(of course the blanket will be washed and then stored in an airtight container before being shipped/given to my cousin for her bebe!)

My sister likes my tunic so much that she has bought the yarn for me to make her one as well.  She has chosen red for her main color, and brown and a vareigated in autumn tones for her accent colors.  It will be very pretty, I think.  I am also still plugging along on the Malabrigo lace shawl.  I've decided to only use one skein of the two I have, so it may be more of a shawlette, but that's okay.  It's becoming a bit tedious, to be honest!

It's back to hooking for me.

1 chains:

Jenny said...

so pretty. what a gorgeous blue to go with that white.