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Forays into Crochet

I have a hook, and I know how to use it.

I'm in a worldwide shawl swap on Ravelry.  I know I've mentioned it here before.  Well, it got started and I totally thought I had everything picked out.  I got it started and it wasn' didn't feel right, working up.  I don't know how else to describe it.  So, I scrapped that one (thank goodness I wasn't very far into it) and have been hunting and hunting and HUNTING for a good pattern/yarn combo. 

Finally found a good yarn...

Okay.  Personally, I abhor pink.  ABHOR.  But it is my downstream's favorite color.  And this shade isn't too obnoxious.  Plus the yarn is maddeningly soft and squooshy.  In short, while I don't love the color, I love love love the base.

Now to hunt down a pattern.  There is a disgusting shortage of CROCHETED lace shawls...and a disgusting overage of knitted ones!!  Don't get me wrong, they're absolutely lovely, but I feel like us crocheters have been left out in the cold when it comes to lace shawls.  Maybe...maybe I'll screw my courage to the sticking post and try to design one. 

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