I finished my sister's giraffe.
She named him Alien. I think because he sort of looked like one before I put his ears on. I'd put everything else on, and so his horns lent him a sort of otherworldly look. For eyes I used upholstery screws...I'm not sure what they're called, but they have screws on the back instead of posts and they're used (from what I've seen) to hold armrest covers in place. They're fairly easy to remove/place, and they seem to fit him. They were originally clear, so I colored them in black with a Sharpie so that he doesn't look quite so vacant.
She thinks he's adorable and I'm marginally pleased with him as a finished product. I obviously need to learn the finer points of amigurumi construction, but I think he was good practice. I like his ears the very best, and then his spots. I plan to post a picture of him as soon as I can.
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