This sweater was to be a Christmas gift for one of my younger sisters. I worked on it in front of her to see if she would make any comments as to the color/style, to get a feel for if she'd like it and actually wear it instead of being like "I have to like it because my sister made it for me and I'll hurt her feelings otherwise." No. I want it to be something that she'll actually ~want~ to wear, and show off, instead of a frumpy old piece that ends up in the back of the closet, never to see the light of day again.
She and I discussed it and she told me she didn't really care for the color. Since I was 80% done with this one, I finished it anyway and gave it to the next younger sister (Tess), who really liked the color, and took Abby to Joann's to pick out a color she would wear. She ended up choosing a really pretty dark periwinkle/dusty blue color. Anyway, here is a picture of the first top:

The whole top section, from where the shell stitch ends and all of the sleeves, was supposed to be worked with a furry/fuzzy yarn. Obviously I modified that a bit, carrying the shell pattern stitch up a little higher than the pattern called for. I also modofied the sleeves to include three columns of shells running the length of the sleeve at evenly spaced intervals. The opening at the neck was supposed to have shank buttons, but Tess decided she liked it left open like that.