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Forays into Crochet

I have a hook, and I know how to use it.

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I'm -almost- done with my swimsuit wrap thing. I am probably going to make it a few rows wider, then sc a waistband type thing and leave one end out long for fastening. I like it. It matches the tones in my swimsuit exactly!!

Next project is probably going to be a baby blanket for a cousin who is having a little girl :)

But seriously. I haven't been able to find a cover up for my swimming suit that I like, so I've decided to crochet myself one with some of my stash yarn. I recently bought a crochet stitch book and have been swatching up different stitches to see which I like best. It's going to be tres simple...just a rectangle with some longer pieces @ the waist for ties.

Wish me luck!
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Some more pictures of kitties and yarn!

Gwydion, hunkered under the lid to my stash box...

The actual stash! I'm going to do some stash-busting and make a couple (lots?) of sets of baby booties.

Okay...a close-up of my completed sweater! This one's a bit blurry...actually, I apologize for the lighting in all of them, I took them last night and my flash insisted on working.

The back...

The front...

I'm really a little sad that I'm not going to have a chance to really show it off before I move down to San Antonio - it's far too warm to take it down there!! It will be really nice come this fall though.

My hands feel a bit restless now - I didn't really have anything specific lined up after this because of my imminent move and it's kind of driving me nuts. I am planning to take my stash, and do a bunch of baby booties, because anything else might be a little daunting - anything that might get big enough to cover my lap and make me all sweaty bleah.

I -am- going to crochet a cover-up for my new swimsuit and I didn't have to buy any new yarn for that either. I'm debating though - do I want it to be more of an openwork tunic type thing, or just a tie-around-the-waist type thing? Decisions, decisions...